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New Years Resolutions – Do They Really Work?




New Years Resolutions – Do They Really Work?


     The new year often signals a time for us to reflect and refresh. Many of us consider making “New Year’s Resolutions,” but do they really work? Known as the “Fresh Start Effect,” the new year often acts like a prompt for us to change something in our lives. For people with diabetes (PWD), we always have a million things on our minds every day that we are working on to improve our health. Some PWD may feel that the pressure to add more to the list is overwhelming, yet for others, the new year may offer some inspiration to achieve a goal that has been on their minds to start for some time.

     If you feel like 2025 is the year for you, the good news is that research shows that after 6 months, the success rate of New Year's resolutions is 46%! This is much higher than when we set similar goals at any other time, which is only 8% at the 6-month mark.



Here are some tips to set yourself up for success: 


1. Make your resolution as specific as possible.

When setting your resolution, make sure you have a way to mark your progress. Check in with yourself regularly, reflect, and adjust the goal if needed. If your goal is too broad, e.g., “I want to lose weight,” you are not as likely to succeed compared to a specific goal that will ultimately increase the likelihood of losing weight, like “I will add a 15-minute walk to my lunch break, 3 days a week.”.


2. Keep things positive.

Language is powerful. The way we speak to others is as important as how we speak to ourselves. This can influence our behaviour. Think about your resolution in a positive way. For example, instead of telling yourself, “I have to stop eating chips before bedtime,” try “I am going to have an apple and peanut butter for a bedtime snack.”.


3. Make sure your resolution reflects your needs and what you feel ready for.

It's tempting to get drawn into popular trends or feel pressured by well-meaning family, friends, or medical professionals. You can consider the advice but think honestly about your readiness for change. You will have a higher chance of success if you make sure your goal is meaningful for you versus about changing for someone else.


Whatever goal you set for yourself, remember to start small and consider sharing your goals with a trusted family member or friend who will support you. Change is challenging, so be compassionate towards yourself when there are “slips” along the way; this is normal, and no one is perfect.

See below for some helpful links to support your goal-setting journey!


Helpful Links:


Waterloo Wellington Self-Management Program:  Self-Management workshops are designed to support you with getting the most out of life while living with a chronic or long-term condition. https://www.wwselfmanagement.ca/Individual-Home-Page.htm

Diabetes Canada: Weighing the Pros and Cons of Changing (or not changing) Behaviour - https://www.diabetes.ca/DiabetesCanadaWebsite/media/Managing-My-Diabetes/Tools%20and%20Resources/decisional-balance.pdf?ext=.pdf

Diabetes Canada: My Action Plan -  https://guidelines.diabetes.ca/self-management/sme-action-plan

Diabetes Canada: Blank Goal Calendar -  https://guidelines.diabetes.ca/GuideLines/media/Docs/Key%20Messages/goal-calendar.pdf

Diabetes Canada: Goal Calendar Example 1 -   https://www.diabetes.ca/diabetescanadawebsite/media/managing-my-diabetes/tools%20and%20resources/goal-calendar-example-1.pdf?ext=.pdf

Diabetes Canada: Goal Calendar Example 2 -   https://www.diabetes.ca/diabetescanadawebsite/media/managing-my-diabetes/tools%20and%20resources/goal-calendar-example-2.pdf?ext=.pdf

Online Self Management Program:  Health Coaching is a FREE one-one web-based support program to help you manage your conditions and get the most out of life. 



The SUCCESS goal formula: https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/the-healthy-journey/201910/beyond-smart-evidence-based-formula-goal-setting

Worksheet for the  “Tiny Habits” approach by BJ Fogg, founder of the Stanford Behavior Design Lab:









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