Resource Clinician for Health Care Professionals
Waterloo Wellington Diabetes offers a Resource Clinician who is available to support diabetes educators or healthcare professionals who provide care to patients living with diabetes, to further enhance their knowledge or expertise in diabetes management.
Diabetes management has become more complex in recent years with the plethora of diabetes medications and the increasing technology, whether it be glucose sensors, insulin pumps or virtual visits. There is also the need to better understand behaviour change strategies to support people living with diabetes to self-manage. The role of the Resource Clinician is to support clinicians in staying current with leading practice and to offer guidance, mentoring & support to increase their knowledge and confidence in supporting individuals with diabetes.
Waterloo Wellington Diabetes first developed a mentoring program in 2011, through an educational grant from NovoNordisk. The outcomes and feedback from clinicians were so successful that funding was secured to continue the program to support clinicians in the region. As the expertise and experience of clinicians evolved, the role was redefined to a Resource Clinician in 2020.

Examples of Topics that may interest you:
- How to effectively review blood glucose sensor reports or insulin pump downloads
- Recognition of blood glucose patterns and the need for adjustment of insulin doses
- Detection and management of hypoglycemia
- Teaching techniques using alternative teaching tools
- Current diabetes management strategies (Type 1, Type 2, GDM)
- Assessing and facilitating behaviour change
- Preparing to become a Certified Diabetes Educator
Services Offered:
- In-person or virtual guidance & mentoring
- Inservices
- Webinars to support individuals preparing to write their CDE exams
- Development of resources
- Quarterly newsletters- to help diabetes educators keep abreast of emerging trends in diabetes care
How do I access the Resource Clinician?
If you are a health care professional working in the Waterloo Wellington region, and interested in having the support of a diabetes resource clinician, please call 519-947-1000 ext.262 or email [email protected]